Alain Clotte

Alain, as a good rugby player, is the flanker of the team. In attack, his versatility and mobility allow him to intervene everywhere on the field with a lot of endurance. But his favorite field, like the whole team, is defense, with a particular dynamic in competition law,  that he practiced intensively, throughout Europe and beyond, as Legal and Tax Director of the Colas Group, a function that led him to a perfect knowledge of group issues and the resulting conflicts, to a strategic vision in the management of high-stakes litigation, and to the control and anticipation of competitive risks,  Administrative… but also criminal and civil. 

Alain also makes intervention in English at the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole as part of the Master 2 International Business Law

C Strenght

Passionate about law, Alain cultivates legal curiosity… but also has the stubbornness to satisfy it. When he deals with a subject, he gets to the bottom of things, knows how to find the flaws and proves to be a formidable opponent.


Holder of a Master’s degree in economics, a DESS in business administration, the diploma in high accounting studies (DECS) and the higher legal and tax certificate of accounting, Alain also holds a Master’s degree in business law from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. He was sworn in in June 2022